Monday, April 21, 2008

But Mom, everybody else is doing it!

Everybody else is doing it, so I thought I would give it a shot. I wanted to start a blog about my kids (cause, lets face it, I'm really boring) so that all the friends and family could see how they are growing and changing.

Back in January, Camilla and Anna were helping me make some banana bread. Camilla wished she had a chef's hat and Robson just happened to have one from way back when he worked at a hotel. So here are some pictures I took of them and also Giulia (before she was walking btw).

Anna and Chef de Cuisine Camilla
Chef Anna

Chef Camilla

Our sous chef Giulia


Suzy said...

Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay!!!!! I love you for starting a blog about the chillins! (And for other things too.) I miss those babies so much! And you know what else? Before I got my current blog background, I had your same green one. Great minds think alike, huh? Keep blogging. I can't wait to see more pix. And you should add some of you and Hobby and mom too. Tchau!

Suzy said...

P.S. I didn't write your children's names on my blog for their protection and anonymity, but you ruined it!

Just teasin. Love you.

lizzie said...

hey aunt sherry its liz mom said you had a blog so id thought id check it out. camilla and anna look awesome . giulia is so cute i cant believe how big she has gotten. i hope to talk to you soon bye