I forgot to mention the 4th of July! Well, we didn't have any big plans. Robson, Becca and Camilla went to see the hot air balloons launch as part of
America's Freedom Festival.
America's Freedom Festival.

The rest of us stayed home and slept in.

Then Grandma Kathy came over and we barbecued. Robson had to work in the evening with one of his elderly clients. So Grandma and the kids and I walked over to the elementary school when it started getting dark. The school is over a hill and a little bit further north. We can see the fireworks at Stadium of Fire from there. They are still pretty far away but at least we don't have to deal with the traffic, the noise and the smoke. Robson came by after getting off work and took Giulia and Anna home with him. That was good because the stroller broke on the walk over. After the fireworks we went home and lit some sparklers. We finally got to bed around midnight.
Well, in Utah we also celebrate Pioneer Day on July 24th. Robson and I both had to work because our parent companies are out of state. Pioneer Day is the day that Brigham Young and the first LDS pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake valley. Some cities do fireworks and have special events but Provo doesn't. I guess because they do the Freedom Festival just a few weeks before. We did barbecue again and then did some fireworks with some friends in the neighborhood. Then the next day we went down to Nephi and the Handcart Pioneer Pageant. It was really fun even though we sat on the bleachers for about 3 hours so we could get good seats.
We weren't planning on taking Anna because we didn't think that she would behave for that long but she really wanted to come. She actually did really well, better than Camilla anyways. We left Giulia at home with Grandma Kathy. We probably could have just gone about an hour early and got the same seats but we didn't know how crowded it would be. It was a great experience and had a great message for the kids and adults as well. We need to be grateful for our trials because they make us stronger and build our faith in God.

WOW! So I guess you found me through Lisa. How are you guys. we love our first new home. Its so much better than living in an apartment. I would rather have this then a really nice fancy apartment any day.
Your kids are so BIG now. I cannot believe it. And Rebecca you cant even tell its her.
I will have to show Ethan your site when he is awake.
Well we have to get together soon. My phone number is the same. If you need it you can get it from Jenny Spadafora.
Loves Karla
This is Ethan:
Hi Becca. You should come and play. Have your mom call us to play here. We have a big back yard.
Ok OK i know this is my third post but guess what. Do you remember the Czirr family. Well they are in my ward. We had a ward activity tonight and they were there. And they told me that the Matzals are back and have been for a while. And sister Matzal's cousin or sister Lolly is married.
WOW time sure flies. :D we so need to get together. I feel bad not keeping in touch with you for the past two years. Danni is getting so big and Gilian is so cute. ANyways soo Love ya
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