For the last month or so I have been having acne break outs around my chin and nose. It usually doesn't get too bad and only lasts a few days. But the pimples just kept coming. I finally had to get some new face wash. It finally seems to be clearing up. I thought that maybe I was regressing to my teen years. Then this last week some other things happened and I know I am not a teenager anymore.
We decided to movc the computer downstairs so the kids wouldn't always be in our bedroom. Robson has a friend from work that does some computer stuff on the side and he came over Saturday morning to help us do the rewiring. He parked his truck in the driveway behind Robson's car. I had to leave and get my hair done. I didn't want to take the gas guzzling van for just myself. Robson's friend was parked kinda far back in the driveway. I thought I could crank the steering wheel and get around his truck with Robson's smaller car. I found out that I couldn't. I ended up running over the sensor for the garage door.

So now we are opening and closing the garage door by hand until we can scrape together the money to get it fixed. I was leaving the other day and had opened the door. Then I got the girls in the car and started to back out. Camilla shouted and said the garage door was too low. I tried to stop but my reflexes aren't what they used to be. I ran into the garage door. I wasn't very low but just enough to hit with the top of the car. The door survived but one of the rollers came out of the track.

I am glad to know that I am not the only one breaking things around here. We have a little carousel that we keep the numerous remote controls in. One of the kids (no one confessed) broke it into a million pieces. Well, maybe ten. I still haven't gotten around to gluing it back together.

But on the bright side, my hair looks great! Thanks, MarJean!
That's funny (and sad at the same time). Sometimes I feel like I'm the clumsiest person in the world around here. Lukas is so careful with everything -- which is a good trait bestowed on him by his mommy and the communist conditions he was raised in. But sometimes I feel bad when I spill some water or drop something on the floor because he wastes no time calling me on it.
But good luck fixing the sensor and do a little detective work to find out who broke the remote thing. What little buggers!
It is hard to tell by the picture but you may be able to fix the sensor by snaping or gluing the cover with the sensor lens back in place. as long as the electronics were not damaged the sensor may start to work again. The garage door is an easy fix just unbolt the bracket that holds the roller after lifting the garage door up just a little reinstall the roller in the bracket and then put the roller back in the track and bolt the bracket back onto the door panel. Good luck!!
Isn't it just like JD to come with all sorts of advice (as good or helpful as it may be) and not even say "Hi, nice to see an update of your beautiful family and premature aging." ??? But I guess, you'd know much better than I do. Wait, that was JD right?
How 'bout another post? And what naughty thing did someone post so that you had to delete it?
Hi there how are you doing the family looks great!!!!! Happy Suz ;)? It was nothing naughty just my fat fingers mistyped electronics and so I reposted the good advice with the correct spelling and deleted the origional post. If there is a way to edit a post let me know.
And yes it is your big brother just looking out for my baby sisters. :)
I love you, JD!!! Even if you don't always choose the most compassionate route. I must admit I think it's in our genes to be a bit direct at times. I know I'm guilty -- at least occasionally. :)
So JD, where's your blog?
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