I love it when they are creative and having fun. They all love to read and regularly give me kisses and hugs. I must say that Keiffer does that as well.
Sometimes, however, they drive me nuts and I wish I had all boys like Robson wanted. They are picky about clothes and food and I am dreading them being old enough to date. Oh, the drama that goes on at our house on a regular basis. Camilla was getting ready for school this morning. She was dressed but we still needed to find some shoes and eat lunch and fix her hair. She has a particular pair of shoes that she likes to wear alot. The velcro was worn out and the straps kept coming undone. Grandma had put some new velcro on them a few weeks ago (Thanks Grandma!) but the glue was not holding. I suggested several alternate pairs but nothing else would do. Other shoes didn't match or were uncomfortable to walk home in or just weren't up to snuff for some reason. I decided to take a shower at this point and let her figure out what to wear. By the time I got out of the shower, Camilla was in tears sitting on the floor next to her closet. I finally offered to sew the velcro on the shoes while she ate her lunch.
This is the kind of drama that you get with girls and it is only going to get worse.