Anna is going through a terrble fours stage. She is actually usually pretty good, but sometimes... For example, whenever she is told to pick something up, she starts crawling (very slowly) along the floor and whining that she is too tired. Saturday night, Robson took the girls to the store and when they got home, Anna threw her sweater on the floor. We told her to pick it up and put it away. Of course she started whining and crawling. We were trying to get dinner served to all the kids and so we ignored her. She ended up laying on the floor next to her room (she had crawled there from the kitchen) but she wouldn't just stand up and hang up her sweater on the little rack right above her head. I eventually walked over to see what was going on and she was asleep on the floor. Maybe she was too tired! I would think it would take more energy to crawl than to stand up and walk. I do remember Camilla doing the same thing for a while so hopefully Anna will grow out of it soon.
Speaking of sleeping, when we got home from church yesterday (at 4pm or so) we started to feed the kids some pasta that Robson had made. I put Giulia in the high chair and gave her a bowl. She is pretty good at feeding herself so I wasn't paying that much attention to her. I heard Robson say "Oh-oh" and I looked over at her. Poor thing, her head was nodding and her eyes were closing. So we gave up on feeding her and put her in bed. She usually has a nap at 1 or 2pm but since we go to church at 1pm she missed it yesterday. Sometimes she will fall asleep in church but she didn't that day. Gratefully, we will start going at 9am in January so she should be ready for that nap right after we come home and eat lunch.
The kids thought it was pretty funny that she was falling asleep in her highchair. I informed them that all of them had done the same at one time or another. I remember several times answering the phone or helping another child and turning around to find a sleeping child in the high chair. I even found Keiffer asleep on a wood floor that we had in our condo. It was just a little 3x3 square of wood by the door, the rest was carpeted. I don't know why he chose the hardest part of the floor, but he was only 1 at the time.
1 year ago