So here are some of the things we did in the last 2 months.
We went to Lagoon for a company party. We had yummy watermelon and rode the rides. We decided not to stay all day but we got to ride most of the major rides, or at least Keif, Becca, Camilla and I did. Robson stayed with the 2 little girls on the kiddy rides.
Suzy and Dad came to visit and had lots of fun playing Uno with the kids.
We celebrated Suzy's 22nd birthday with a cake that I made from scratch!The kids started school. Yeah! Now I only have Anna and Giulia home most of the day. And they are all doing great in school.
We went to visit some friends up in Logan. This was a lady that was always feeding Robson while he was on his mission. The kids played with her granddaughters and watched a movie while Robson and I visited and played house rules Uno.
We celebrated Robson's birthday (I won't mention which one). He got a brand new laptop to use for school. Thanks, Mom, Dad, Katia, Claudia and Vivian! He is pursuing a Master's degree in Healthcare Administration with an emphasis in gerontology through the University of Phoenix. All the classes are online which is why he needed the laptop. Robson is enjoying school so far and doing very well in his classes.